Crown is the virtual currency used throughout all games serviced by GameKing.
Crown has two type as ‘Real Crown’ and ‘Bonus Crown’. Only difference is expiration date for both Crown types. Please refer to follow information for details.
What is Real Crown?
When Crown is purchased , user receives below amount of Real Crown based on its price.
50 Crown
- $5
100 Crown
- $10
300 Crown
- $30
500 Crown
- $50
700 Crown
- $70
1,000 Crown
- $100
- * Expiration date of use for Real Crown is semi-permanent until GameKing disappears.
- * You can spend Real Crown after exhausted Bonus Crown.
What is Bonus Crown?
- * When Crown is purchased, user will receive different amount of Bonus Crown based on its price & event.
(You can check current amount of Bonus Crown on purchase window when click [Crown Charge] )
- * Bonus Crown has 1 year expiration date of use since when it is purchased.
(Note, Bonus Crown which is provided with events or promotion has different expiration date of use for each event or promotion.)
- * You can only spend Bonus Crown before use Real Crown.
There are 3 steps to buy game items.
- Sign In
- Charge Crown
- Purcharge Game item
* Crown Refund Policy : Crown cannot be refunded once being purchased.